Data Preparation

We use R code to create data visualizations and reports. In order to process the data using the code, we have to prepare the data in the proper format. We prepare data  by creating CSV documents for each video that include all codes for that video. The process for preparing these documents is explained below:

  • Copy over data from coding spreadsheets into the CSV file, following the formatting in the example document linked below.
  • For Social, Intellectual, and Physical codes, mark a 0 if the code does not occur and a 1 if the code does occur (this should already be the format for the physical codes). These numbers go in place of the code name.
  • For Emotional codes, mark 1 for positive, 0 for neutral, and -1 for negative emotion. Again, these numbers go in place of the code name.

The finished CSV should look like the example linked below. It is important that the headings are done the same and in the same order in order to be processed by the R code.
