

Physical engagement refers to the ways in which visitors interact physically with an exhibit by engaging in hands-on manipulation of the tangible aspects of the installation. We describe physical engagement using three codes: isolated manipulation, investigative manipulation, and integrated manipulation.

Notes/Guiding Questions

  • Focus on observable actions when defining specifics for physical codes (do not try to infer visitorsā€™ intent or inner thoughts). Coding videos while muted can help analysts focus on observable physical actions only.
  • What physical components can participants interact with at your exhibit? Begin by making a list of the physical components of the exhibit that participants will interact with. Interactions involving single components are indicative of isolated manipulation, whereas interactions involving multiple components are indicative of investigative or integrated manipulation.
  • Exhibits in which facilitators interact with and guide visitors should NOT include the facilitator as a participant for physical analysis.



General: Participants are physically interacting with the exhibit, initially testing/touching/trying out components in isolation to determine how individual pieces work.

Keywords: trying out individual components, potentially unsure, disconnected, haphazard, isolated

Specifics [fill in for your exhibit]: Some examples from our exhibits include placing a new sound block on the tableĀ  or randomly pressing arcade buttons.



General: Participants are beginning to explore how the exhibit works by testing out two or more components together, but are not yet fluidly integrating multiple components in a complex sequence of actions. Participants are investigating the relationship among multiple pieces.

Keywords: coordinating multiple elements, investigating relationships, testing

Specifics [fill in for your exhibit]: Some examples from our exhibits include making connections between sound blocks or connecting a modifier block methodically to a sample block or to another modifier block.



General: Participants are fluidly integrating multiple components in a complex sequence of actions. Participants are no longer investigating/testing and are now engaging in goal-oriented connection of multiple exhibit components.

Keywords: executing complex actions, goal-oriented, fluid interaction, expressive, composing, confident, advanced components, integrating multiple components

(Note: if the fluid action occurs over two time segments, only the second will be coded as integrated)

Specifics [fill in for your exhibit]: Some examples from our exhibits include adding a sound or function block to a sound + function chain on the table, or using the joystick/buttons methodically after or while making a composition.